My Maternal grandfather related this story to me and other children in the neighborhood some 30years ago, when I was trying to deprive my younger brother of what was truly his all because I am older than him.
Grandpa began, a particular loaf of bread was meant for two brothers, the agreement was that it should be shared on rational basis.
The agreement was kept to the letter until one of the brothers named AFEMINIKAN decided to change the rule.
After he had savoured a loaf, he alongside his friends who salivated it passionately begged the brother BINTINLAYE to allow him have the next loaf.
True to his name(LIFE IS SIMPLE)BINTINLAYE obliged and AFEMINIKAN had two loaves in sequence.
The savouring continued with AFEMINIKAN and friends enjoyed it while time kept ticking on.
My Grandpa paused and told us”Children, whatever has a beginning must have an end”.
The time to share another load came near and AFEMINIKAN and friends on the pathway of greed started plans to have the third Loaf.
A very loud echo of IMPOSSIBLE from us(The kids) rented the air.
Turning to me, My Grandpa said”Don’t be greedy, always ensure that everyone has his/her share.
From that day on, I have learnt to consider the interest of other people as mine and stop being self-centered.
This story perfectly suits the political happenings in my Federal Constituency-Ifo/Ewekoro.
So I join my other fellows to say unequivocally that:Ifo/Ewekoro 2023 Federal House of Representatives seat…….. IFO LOKAN.